Friday, December 31, 2010


Hayley-zebra, loves chocolate men, horticultural major, loud, RA mode, Modern Family, sales @ Tesco
Meghan- little bear, loves whiskey and James, Agriculture business major, from Missouri, glee
Taylor- lives in LR, sigma ep, wants to be a vet, babysitter for noelani and i, hooked up with pokemon.
Marc- 18, goes to Naper Uni, mom works with Fraser at Kidzcare, loves the Hive, loves making fun of Americans, doesn't understand jay-walking, disclosures & references.
Magda- main office manager, polish, sarcastic, brings croissants every Friday.
Kirstin- w0rks at st. crispins and pizza hut, playscheme manager, engaged to Andy, misses New Zealand, doesn't believe in umbrellas.
John- met in training, goes to edinburgh uni, history major, loves rugby
Lousie Allen-diva
Sam irving- "comedian"
ali and callum- old married couple
sarah bates-bitch
gillian reid- pimple bitch
adam- kid at playscheme, so cute, "it's the dinning hall"
liam- johns kid, "man", bounces a lot.

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