Friday, December 31, 2010


Hayley-zebra, loves chocolate men, horticultural major, loud, RA mode, Modern Family, sales @ Tesco
Meghan- little bear, loves whiskey and James, Agriculture business major, from Missouri, glee
Taylor- lives in LR, sigma ep, wants to be a vet, babysitter for noelani and i, hooked up with pokemon.
Marc- 18, goes to Naper Uni, mom works with Fraser at Kidzcare, loves the Hive, loves making fun of Americans, doesn't understand jay-walking, disclosures & references.
Magda- main office manager, polish, sarcastic, brings croissants every Friday.
Kirstin- w0rks at st. crispins and pizza hut, playscheme manager, engaged to Andy, misses New Zealand, doesn't believe in umbrellas.
John- met in training, goes to edinburgh uni, history major, loves rugby
Lousie Allen-diva
Sam irving- "comedian"
ali and callum- old married couple
sarah bates-bitch
gillian reid- pimple bitch
adam- kid at playscheme, so cute, "it's the dinning hall"
liam- johns kid, "man", bounces a lot.

last days

  • Everything went flying back from Paris
  • Unpacked, showered, and went to the Wash Bar with John
  • Met Santa Clause (crazy family from Virginia that dresses like Santa)
  • Late dinner at Bella Italia
  • "only old people wear fleece"-john
  • Sat in The Meadows for about 2 hours in the dark

  • Mr. Boom (Liam stealing the show)
  • Golf Bar
  • So late we had to take a taxi from Marchmont

  • Penguin room
  • fire extinguisher kid
  • talent show, alex dancing
  • greg peeing in the ball pit
  • allister freaking out
  • going to the merlin for drinks with everyone
  • John show
  • sneaking away to other bar
  • walking along morningside back to the merlin to get card
  • vera bradley gropping john
  • dancing to cotton eye joe
  • shots with ashley

  • wake up at 9:30AM
  • Drive 2 hours to Bamburgh
  • Listen to Jamie T, Plan B, Libertines,etc.
  • Walked in water, saw town, old saint house
  • beautiful castle
  • drew pictures in sand
  • shawanker
  • lunch at Inn
  • saw rainbow
  • pasta and tennents
  • laid in bed until 4
  • traditional breakfast, sausage, beans, eggs, and toast
  • watched uncle buck
  • went to wash bar. made up stories about girl and her bday party
  • playscheme
  • going to resturant, burger with fofel, hummus , pesto, and mushrooms
  • Standard order
  • Jamal punching me in the face
  • saying goodbye to everyone
  • go to golf bar with more wait for kirstin and john playing the name game
  • marc and i get drunk off strongbow
  • wake up 4:05 am and go to airport

Monday, July 19, 2010

First day of playscheme

After all the phone calls, schedules, to-do lists, spread sheets, shopping trips, e-mails, references, trainings, and chaos the playscheme finally started today!! Unable to actually get into the building was our first problem... But after about 15 minutes of panicky phone calls we got in. The children arrived shortly after. Only a few of the buses were late, which was a huge success. They usually are all really late on the first day. The "monkey room" was short staffed today so I joined in with them. I was paired with a 6- year old child named Adam. He was too cute! We played Hungry Hippos and did a puzzle. After snack, the "monkey room" went on a walk to the park down the street. Adam was a bit slow but we eventually made it there. He was smiling the whole time, and asking a million "why" questions. He was definitely one of the much easier children I have worked with thus far. We got to do arts and crafts and visit the soft play room. It was a long exhausting day but no major problems. Well, at least not in my group... One of the only groups had a girl who told her playworker that she was playing to run away with her 50 year old boyfriend... Social service will have to deal with that one, sicko. But other than that it was great. Tomorrow we can start taking trips and actually do different activities. Hayley ( and the straightener) came back today!! So long peace and quiet..j/k love ya! Rachel broke the washing machine and the landlord is in Italy so that sucks... I have to visit the laundromat before Parissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :D

Saturday, July 17, 2010


On Friday Magda suggested that I visit Glasgow. So Rachel and I got up early and took the train from Waverly Station to Queens Street Glasgow. First, we decided to check out the Barrow Lands. We jumped on a bus that took us there from the train station. We didn't really have any idea what it was besides a huge market. Basically it was just a big flea market. Lots of junk. One stand even had funeral accessories, like stuff for gravestones. lol. I did end up getting a fabulous pursue. We weren't too impressed so we headed back to the city centre to look for something to eat. After awhile we found a little Italian place called Dino's. Rachel and I both got the lunch special pasta. It was great food and the service was perfect. After a coffee we headed out to look for the David Livingstone Estate, which I found on the internet. No one really knew and finally after asking a bus driver we discovered it was a town over. We decided to just walk around the city. We spent a lot of time in H&M and some other little cute boutiques. The Burrell museum was on our list of things to do but unfortunately it was closed because the museum workers are on strike! So, no luck going to museums because they were all closed. We ran into a gay parade/concert. Lots of spikey haired girls and drag queens. It was funny. Next we headed to the Glasgow Cathedral, which was beautiful. The cathedral has had many renovations but was first built in the 1300's!! Since it was pouring outside, we took our time looking around and took lots of pictures. On our way back to the train station we found an awesome used book store, so cheap! I got two books for a pound each. Even though Glasgow was really cool, it always feels good to come back to Edinburgh.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

wham bar

Sitting in my window seat, drinking a class of shiraz, listening to the Rod Stewart concert going on.... Ahhhh

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

hump day


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grab the thistle with a fist!

Another day at Oaklands playscheme. It was a really pretty day so we got out the blow up pool and let the kids play in it outside. The staff is really laid back, which makes it more fun. Guess you can't really be tough working with these kids or expect to go home clean. We had a water balloon fight which all the kids loved.Also, one of the kids got a hold of the hose we were filling the pool up with which was hilarious. He got EVERYONE soaked. I got the job of putting on suntan lotion for one of the classes. It was a challenge, to say the least. Some of the kids can barely stay still for two seconds and don't enjoy when you put sticky white stuff all over there body. Spent about 1/2 chasing a kid and ended up with bite marks on my arms and shoulders. But we still had fun. Talked to Meghan on skype tonight :( Miss her and Taylor! Paris in a week !!! yay!