Monday, July 19, 2010

First day of playscheme

After all the phone calls, schedules, to-do lists, spread sheets, shopping trips, e-mails, references, trainings, and chaos the playscheme finally started today!! Unable to actually get into the building was our first problem... But after about 15 minutes of panicky phone calls we got in. The children arrived shortly after. Only a few of the buses were late, which was a huge success. They usually are all really late on the first day. The "monkey room" was short staffed today so I joined in with them. I was paired with a 6- year old child named Adam. He was too cute! We played Hungry Hippos and did a puzzle. After snack, the "monkey room" went on a walk to the park down the street. Adam was a bit slow but we eventually made it there. He was smiling the whole time, and asking a million "why" questions. He was definitely one of the much easier children I have worked with thus far. We got to do arts and crafts and visit the soft play room. It was a long exhausting day but no major problems. Well, at least not in my group... One of the only groups had a girl who told her playworker that she was playing to run away with her 50 year old boyfriend... Social service will have to deal with that one, sicko. But other than that it was great. Tomorrow we can start taking trips and actually do different activities. Hayley ( and the straightener) came back today!! So long peace and quiet..j/k love ya! Rachel broke the washing machine and the landlord is in Italy so that sucks... I have to visit the laundromat before Parissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :D

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