Tuesday, July 6, 2010

excursion to Germany & France

Day 1 Took off work Friday and Monday so Hayley and I could celebrate Fourth of July. We left Edinburgh around 10 AM on Friday. My first Ryan Air experience was disgusting... The plane was extremely late, uncomfortable seats,bright yellow color scheme, screaming babies,turbulence, & lady who stared at Hayley and I the WHOLE time. Although we had no problems going through customs once we got to Germany. We walked through the gate and couldn't find Hayley's aunt or uncle. There was someone whistling but we couldn't figure out where it was coming from, finally after looking around for awhile a girl pointed into the corner where Hayley's uncle was grinning. Aunt Tammy and uncle Curt just moved to Kaiserslautern from St.Louis, for 4 months while Tammy completes an internship on the air force base. Curt stays at home with Tia, 9 and Trevor, 11. They were really cute family. We drove about 45 minutes from the airport to there apartment. Kaiserslautern was having some sort of a festival in the street so we had to maneuver our way through the massive crowd. There apartment was on the fourth floor and had 2 bedrooms and Hayley and I stayed in the guest apartment next door. There apartment was in a great location, right in the middle of everything. We had to change our clothes because the weather in Germany was HOT! After walking around for a little while, we got in the car and drove to the base. Our plan was to go to the PX so that Hayley could get her Taco Bell fix. The PX was HUGE. They had about 10 restaurants and about 25 stores. A little different from the one in Cape May... After we got back to Kaiserslautern, Tammy took the kids to bed and Hayley, uncle Curt, Jamie ( a girl who works with Tammy, who also moved from Illinois) and I went to walk around the festival. There was SOOO many people just walking the streets and hanging out at the beer stands. There was a stage the was playing American songs like Sting and Madonna. The first thing that I tried that is apparently pretty popular in Germany was the banana beer.... Not a huge fan, tasted more like a milkshake. Then since, we were in the homeland we took a Jagger shot. Curt wasn't too happy about that. After listening to the band, we decided to get a sangria bucket. It was soo tasty! We met up with Hans, the landlord for both Jamie and Tammy. It was surprising how many people spoke English. I only had one problem where some lady grabbed my arm and started jabbering in some language "jhdsuyui hdjhshyy !!!!" No idea what she said... But I responded with "WAHOO" and that seemed to be okay...???

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