Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grab the thistle with a fist!

Another day at Oaklands playscheme. It was a really pretty day so we got out the blow up pool and let the kids play in it outside. The staff is really laid back, which makes it more fun. Guess you can't really be tough working with these kids or expect to go home clean. We had a water balloon fight which all the kids loved.Also, one of the kids got a hold of the hose we were filling the pool up with which was hilarious. He got EVERYONE soaked. I got the job of putting on suntan lotion for one of the classes. It was a challenge, to say the least. Some of the kids can barely stay still for two seconds and don't enjoy when you put sticky white stuff all over there body. Spent about 1/2 chasing a kid and ended up with bite marks on my arms and shoulders. But we still had fun. Talked to Meghan on skype tonight :( Miss her and Taylor! Paris in a week !!! yay!

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