Sunday, June 6, 2010

Franz Ferdinand is from Scotland

The weekend started at a new pub called Alexander Graham Bell. Hayley, Meghan, Taylor and I met up with James and Gordo and had a very drinks with them before heading over to the Standing Order. Hayley brought along her new boytoy Jason, who also works at the botanical gardens. He was a really sweet boy from South Carolina. Out of all the bars The Standing Order is definitely my favorite so far. We hung out at the bar for a while and spent most of the night talking to people from a "stag" party. The groom-to-be was completely wasted and dressed up in a wedding gown, blond wig, and a full face of makeup. It was hilarious! Stag and hen parties (bachelor and bachelorette parties) are very popular here on the weekends. After awhile we went dancing at a place called "Why Not". Taylor, Hayley and I danced for like two hours, it was so much fun! On the way back we met some Scottish boys and we taught them to play duck duck goose in the middle in The Gardens. Then we literally ran to The Clamshell. They were closed because it was almost three and I pretended to have a panic attack so the guy opened back up haha. I introduced Taylor to 'chipscheese&curry' and he LOVED it. Hayley and Meghan got the donna wrap. Sooo good. The Clamshell is the Jimmy Johns of Scotland!

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