Sunday, June 6, 2010

I wonder what J.K. Rowling is doing...

So, after living with Hayley for a few weeks I have learned that sleeping in ISN'T an option... My living alarm clock got me up bright and early on Saturday morning to go to the farmers market. It was a gorgeous day! I actually wish I had brought shorts with me. The farmers market was below the castle and consisted of little stands with meat, baked goods, fruits and veggies. Meghan got some homemade soap for her sister and we also bought some pork for dinner. Then we walked down to the Palace of Holy Rood. It had been closed for the past two weeks because they had some big meeting there. They call the street we live on "the Royal Mile" because it is exactly a mile from the palace to the castle! The palace was pretty cool, unfortunately we couldn't take any pictures inside. The Palace of Holy Rood was where royal families resided for many centuries, including Mary of Scots but now it is used for meetings and events. The queen stays there when she is in Scotland so it is very very posh. She is having a party there in July...I wasn't invited..bitch. After we finished our audio tour we walked around the gardens, which were so beautiful! For dinner Hayley took me to a BBQ her boss was having. It was just a backyard party with a bunch of plant nerds but very nice. We sat in lawn chairs drinking Pimms (liquor with punch, cucumbers, strawberries, oranges, and mint) and poppy seed cupcakes with homemade torched icing. Mmm. It was POURING when we walked home so we got completely soaked. Since we had been out all day we decided to take it easy and just go to a movie. Meghan, Hayley, Taylor, Jason, and I walked along Princes street and found the movie theater. The guys were being lame and refused to see Sex and the City 2, so we opted for She Out of my League inside. When I got my popcorn it looked really plain so I asked for butter and the cashier was like "what....?" and I repeated myself and she still didn't understand. Then another cashier told me they don't have butter!!??? The movie was really funny. We walked back and decided to get a drink a place called the Wash Bar. They had a DJ, and we just sat and talked for awhile. Good Times!

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