Saturday, June 12, 2010

So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Neverland

Thursday= Peter Pan at the Edinburgh Festival Theatre. It was a very dark version of the story with a 'celtic' twist but we all really liked it. Peter Pan and Hook had some pretty intense fight scenes flying through the air (using harnesses). J. M. Barrie, who is the author of Peter Pan is actually from Scotland (holla!). We stopped at a Thai restaurant for dinner after the show. <3 curry!

Friday=work. stayed in and watched a movie.

Saturday= woke up and went to Edinburgh Dungeons. It was a very tourist place but it was still kind of fun. We walked through the "dungeons" where they reenacted the 'dark times' of Edinburgh. Our group of about 15 people got put on "trial" and got sent to the dungeons. We went on a boat ride unground and people jumped out at us every once in awhile. We saw all of the disgusting torture devices they used around the 1700's. It was pretty spooky. After the tour we took a bus to Leith and walked around by the loch. Eventually we took the bus back to Old Town. Hayley and I searched for a place to eat for about an hour and were just about to kill each other we finally found a place that wasn't covered with drunken world cup fans. When we were heading back to the flat we saw a bunch of drunk boys in kilts being really obnoxious in the street. One of them started doing summer salts on the sidewalk. Lets just say he went with tradition and didn't wear anything under his kilt....hahaha. Watching the world cup with Hayley in the flat GO USA!!!!

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