Sunday, May 16, 2010


Little Rock-->Dallas-->London-->Edinburgh

So, after delays with each flight,I finally made it to my destination! I had some problems in Heathrow, finally discovered I was in the wrong terminal after taking a bus, going through a security check point and waiting in a wrong line. But everything worked out because I had about 3 hours to wander around the airport. I met my arranged taxi at the airport and took less than 15 minutes to get to my "flat". The driver wasn't sure of the exact location but I was able to recognize it by the pictures from google maps. Also, I was welcomed by Hayley and Meghan screaming out the windows so I knew I was at the right place :) The apartment is beautiful!! It's on the Royal Mile and we have great 2ND floor window seats looking down on the busy cobblestone streets. The flat is completely furnished: two rooms, one bathroom w/ shower ( apparently, not a lot of places have showers, only bathtubs), HEATED TOWEL rack,washer/dryer,etc. For the first time in 4 years I will have my own double bed, ahhh. I got settled in and the roomies and I headed about 3 blocks away to a tiny grocery store to get some essentials. There was lots of people walking around, a mixture of tourists and locals, street venders and bikers. When we got home Meghan cooked some yummy spicy spagetti and I unpacked. I was exhausted from my flights so I went to bed pretty early and now it's almost six in the morning. I don't start my internship until Wednesday so today I plan to get so more sleep and explore the surrounding area. bye!
P.S. everyone talks like 'Arry Potta', it's so cute!

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