Monday, May 31, 2010


Today at work we filled in our official schedule for the playscheme. I had to call a few places to confirm visits and all that fun business. Then after work I met Hayley at Starbucks and we walked around The Meadows because it was a gorgeous day. There were lots of people running and laying out. Everyone is just happy that it isn't raining. We windowed shopped but every thing closes at SIX everyday, expect Thursdays(??) so we just wondered. Hayley and I stopped by the boys flat and bugged them for a while. They were pretty tired from their 12 hour day at the vet school. Since they live two feet from The Clam Shell we couldn't resist so we picked up dinner. So unhealthy but oh-so-good. Mmm. Going to bed early because getting up at 7:30 AM is killing me.

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