Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thats legit

Today headed to work around 8:30, stopped for coffee (no coffee maker here AHHH!) and got to Kidzcare around 9. I called more people for references, wrote letters for the employees, worked on profiles for each student coming into the playscheme this summer. The playscheme is like an after school summer camp. I will be working with Kirstin and Marc and we will develop/organize each playscheme for the kids at The Royal Blind School.When I was reviewing evaluations from last years playscheme a lot parents expressed their gratitude because there aren't a lot of programs that specifically cater to special needs kids in the area. The kids will come for two weeks at a time and the theme this year is "You and Your Environment". Today as I was putting together the profiles (which took about 2 hours) some of the kids had disabilities ranging from down sydrome to myotonic dystrophy. Each kid had very specific needs so we have to group them accordingly. Also, we have to plan a trip every few days so I called a few places to get information. In two weeks we will be doing training which includes: child protection and health and safety, epilepsy awareness, moving and handling, challenging behaviour and communication and creative play and team planning. We won't actually get to see or play with the kids until the playscheme starts in July. Walking home from work it was so hot, I couldn't wait to put shorts and a tanktop on. Everyone says this weather is unusual because it's been so warm and sunny. It's because I'm here duh. Anyway, Hayley the 'topchef' cooked chicken, salad and potatoes. Delish! We got the boys and headed to the REAL Tesco not the express store. Tesco is the grocery we use which isn't bad it's just really tiny. We spent about an hour in the regular looking at all the crazy foods. After we bought too many grocery we walked home and watched Uncle Buck like one big family. Anywho gotta go to bed Cheers!

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