Friday, May 28, 2010

the scotch whiskey experience

Ron Burgundy: I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...

So, today I got off work really early because next week training starts and there wasn't that much to do. I met the roomsies at the flat and we headed down the street to the Scotch Whiskey Experience. I was in a hurry to get ready so I didn't really know where they were taking me except that since Megan is interning at a distillary and she knows A LOT of about the whiskey makin' business. The tour started off with a ride in a whiskey barrel lead by the ghost of the first master brewer. It was very Disney World like. The ride described the process beginning with the barley to bottling. I had no idea how serious it was. After the "thrilling" ride we went into a room where our tour guide Chris described whiskey from the four regions of Scotland. He described the smells and how each different taste was made. From the four regions of Scotland we got to pick one that we liked the best and we got to taste it. Chris taught the proper way to drink whiskey. Look at the color in the light, swirl, watch the ring the swirl made, sniff, sip! I am not a huge fan of whiskey but I tried it... We went into this huge room and it was the biggest collection of whiskey in the WORLD. The temperature in the room was always regulated to preserve the whiskey, the glass was bullet proof, and there was a swarovski crystal chandelier. Pretty cool. We met a couple from Atlanta, they were big SEC fans, woo! After the tasting we sat at the bar and talked to the tour guides and looked out the window at the school that the Hogwarts was inspired by!!!

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