Wednesday, May 26, 2010

keds, keys, and jager bombs oh my!

Last night we went on a blind date with Megan's bosses son who is the same age as us and has a golf scholarship to Michigan State. We met him outside of Pizza Express but the wait was awhile so we went to a bar down the street and waited for his friends. I can't remember the name of the bar but it was an old Polish church turned into a posh wine bar. James ordered us all cider. At first it was bitter but after awhile it was good. After the first cider Gordon & Stuart joined. Soon to be know as James Potter, Little Stuart, and Rufus. We went to Pizza Express which was an upperscale pizza joint. Hayley and I split a salad and pizza with olives (cut in thirds because Hayley like them that way haha), mushrooms and pepperoni, spicy but very tasty. We got to know each other pretty well through dinner. Since I was drinking I could not understand anything the boys were saying so the conversation consisted of "what", "huh", "can you repeat that". Kind of funny. We made fun of the Scottish boys because they wear Keds and tried to explain in America that you don't wear Keds unless you are 65 years old, not 21... Apparently they are cool here and I can vouch that I have seen a lot of them. One trend I refuse to do. But then they made fun of us because we abreviate everything i.e. OMG, JK, profile pic... Anywho, after dinner we headed to Edwards, did a Jager train and then to Standard Order .. Standard Order is a chain of bars and they play no music. The architecture was really cool and we meet up with lil Stuart's friends, two guys named Roo & a short jockey also named Stuart. We sat with them for awhile and they made us laugh until we cried. Hilarious guys. After a few drinks we headed down the road to Shanghai. Which was a bumpin' club, a step up from the Hive. We danced for awhile and took ridiculous pictures.
Clubs are really different in the states, people here just sort of jump around doing Frankenstein-ish dances while Hayley and Meghan are little Beyonces'. I try to dance but it just looks like I have Tourettes syndrome, so I fit in perfectly here. haha! We had to leave a little early because we had a far walk and we were bad little girls drinking on a work night anyway. James and Meghan really hit it off...HAHAH really... And she had to spend all day working with his dad in the distillery, awkward! Great night!

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